Joe Edward Collins III is a 13 1/2-year Navy Veteran from South Central LA. He’s the CEO of a contracting and development company and sits on the board of a private global development company. He’s a licensed financial professional and holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Phoenix. He is the former host of KABC’s radio show New Black Republican and former Republican nominee for California’s 2020 & 2022 Congressional race against Maxine Waters and Ted Lieu.
Collins grew up Los Angeles, CA. One Sunday, Joe’s childhood home was the target of a drive-by shooting. Upon returning home from his grandfather’s church, the family found that bullets had made their way through the windows and into the cushions of the family sofa. At this moment, Joe’s mother decided that it was time for her and her children to escape California. She moved her family to a rural town outside of Dallas, Texas, where Joe’s mother is still a local schoolteacher.
After completing high school in Texas, Joe made the most important decision of his life—he joined the U.S. Navy. Joe Collins spent 13 years in the Navy and quickly rose to the rank of First Class Petty Officer (E-6). He worked on many types of aircraft including the F-18 Super Hornet, E6 Mercury, and the MH60 Sea-hawk, and trained thousands of sailors to do the same. With the help of the U.S. Navy, he also became a licensed financial professional and a certified counselor for rape and sexual assault victims.
Joe was also a Navy recruiter, earning numerous honors and awards. This was a role Joe enjoyed immensely as he had the pleasure of jump-starting the careers of many of today’s young American leaders as he led Dallas’ only Naval recruiting station out of South Fort Worth Texas. Under his leadership, the station became the nation’s number 2 recruiting station from 2013-2015.
Joe proudly served boots on the ground during the successful “Operation Iraqi Freedom” campaign in 2008. Joe left the U.S. Navy in Sept of 2017 with a desire to continue serving his country, this time by representing his neighbors and community and defending their values. Since Joe already took an oath to defend our country and its people, it was an easy decision to serve and defend the voiceless.
Joe’s decision to settle in Texas was fueled by his desire to raise his children in an environment free from the Democrats’ sexualization agenda, blatant disregard for parents’ rights, reckless policies that increase the cost of living, high crime, high poverty, high homelessness, and a significant decrease in quality of life.
In 2020 Collins filed a defamation lawsuit against Congresswoman maxine Waters.
During the 2020 race for California’s 43rd Congressional District, Waters’ campaign launched a disgraceful attack on a man who honorably served our nation. They spent countless Democrat dollars spreading vicious lies, falsely claiming Joe Collins was dishonorably discharged from our beloved Navy. This is the kind of dirty politics the radical left uses to maintain their grip on power.
“As a proud U.S. Navy veteran, my service and character means everything to me,” Joe Collins told supporters. “Congresswoman Waters’ actions not only undermined my candidacy but also disrespected the sacrifices made by every veteran who has honorably served this country.”
The facts are clear: Joe provided Waters’ office with his DD214 – official proof of his honorable service – along with a cease-and-desist letter. But did Waters stop? No. Her campaign continued spreading these malicious lies about a veteran who served our country with distinction. This is how the radical left treats our veterans.
While Waters initially won in 2020, justice is finally prevailing. The District Court of California has sided with Joe Collins on appeal. A pre-trial date is set for February 2025, with the full trial in April 2025. Waters is desperately trying to sweep this under the rug, but we won’t let her. The truth is coming out, as confirmed by Bloomberg Law’s reporting that Collins’ defamation claim is advancing through the courts.
Even the liberal California courts couldn’t ignore Waters’ blatant disregard for the truth. Justice John Shepard Wiley wrote, “Free speech is vital in America, but truth has a place in the public square as well. Reckless disregard for the truth can create liability for defamation. When you face powerful documentary evidence your accusation is false, when checking is easy, and when you skip the checking but keep accusing, a jury could conclude you have crossed the line.”
Noteworthy social and political engagement:
Joe E Collins III ran for Congress in the 2020 election against Maxine Waters where he got almost 80,000 votes, which is three times more than any other Democrat or Republican candidate who has run against her. He also organized teams that registered more than 50,000 new Republican voters.
During the past two election cycles Collins has raised over 14 million for his own campaigns and another 7 million for other candidates campaign and Republican/Conservative Organizations and still continues to do so to date.
Joe gave away over 300,000 lbs. of food during the Covid shutdown, along with over 60,000 backpacks and various school supplies.
He has held over 20 job fairs where more than 250 people were hired and has traveled across the country to host voter target and voter engagement classes.